Saint Of The Week – Saint Cecilia

Feast Day: 22nd NovemberSt-Cecilia

Saint Cecilia is a well known Saint in our world. She is the patroness of music, musicians, makers of stringed instruments and poets. Her life was significant in the small daily chores of life, which is something we can all relate to. Cecilia was betrothed to a man named Valerius. Whilst maintaining her virginity she converted her husband throughout their marriage (which is quite a sacrifice for both of them). Valerius later died a martyr of the faith.

Cecilia was also known for her refusal to sacrifice to idols and for this she was beheaded, therefore dying a martyr for God.
God used her prayers to aid in the conversion of her husband to the faith. As he used her strong nature to refuse the idol sacrificing to do his will. He also used the smaller chores of her daily life to uphold and honor his will.

We can draw great strength from Saint Cecilia’s exemplary life and try to show humility in all things we do and offer these up for the greater glory of God.

So the next time you are washing that mountain of dishes piled at the sink, changing your babies nappy, having to stay back a while at work or your husband is making you late to an event again, offer these up to the Lord.

He will guide you and show you how to do these chores and his will at the same time. He will show you wisdom. It could be in these small daily and constant offerings which will help us become glorified Saints, just like Saint Cecilia.  



Originally posted 2013-11-19 02:46:32.

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