Remembering Mary On Mother’s Day


As I write this post many of the blogs and pages I follow, as well as the catalogues in my letterbox, are all full of ideas for making mums feel special on Mother’s Day. For my part I have also been drafting up some simple yet unique Mother’s Day gift ideas to upload to this website.

But in all my preparedness for Mother’s Day it occurred to me that generally my family and I overlook, or underappreciate, another very important mother in our lives.

I’m sorry to admit that we neglect Mary.


Sometimes the priest who offers Mass in our parish on Mother’s Day might lead us in praying the Hail Mary during the prayers of the faithful but after we leave Mass and visit each of the biological mothers in our lives Mary is all too soon forgotten.

This year things will be different. I am determined to show Mary our appreciation on this Mother’s Day, and for years to come, and I encourage you to do the same.

Here are some ideas for remembering Mary on Mother’s Day:

  • Make simple bouquets of flowers from your garden and have your children ‘give’ them to the statue of Mary at your Church
  • Encourage your children to make simple cards or a drawing for Mary
  • After Mass kneel in front of Mary with your children and wish her a happy mother’s day
  • Create a shrine in your garden or create a special place in your house for a statue of Mary
  • When praying your family Rosary on Mother’s Day take time to meditate on the motherhood of Mary

If you have any ideas for other ways in which we can honour Mary on Mother’s Day please share them in the comments section below!

Originally posted 2014-05-08 03:12:05.

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