Please Be Patient Mummy



Please be patient Mummy, when you are overwhelmed with the thousand little chores that creep up on you each day. Your job as a homemaker is invaluable.

Be patient with that child whom you find slightly more difficult than the others today. God will give you the strength to shower him with more love, affection and attention.

Be patience as your 2-year old tips over her cup of juice for the tenth time. She is trying to coordinate her fingers and will eventually learn to wrap them around the cup.

Be patient as your child learns independence and wants to help you around the home. Give him jobs to complete and praise him for his efforts. Treasure that smile he gives you when he has proudly finished his task.

Be patient each morning, when you drag yourself out of your warm bed to attend to a child who has awoken. It won’t last forever.

Be patient as the children scream and fight over toys. Gently remind them to share and teach them to play lovingly with one another.

Be patience as you clean that never ending trail of crumbs and bend over to pick up scattered toys across the floor. Allow your kids to have fun!

Continue to stay patient throughout the six o’clock madness. While you try to prepare dinner and the hungry kids demand your attention, pray for serenity to deal with the noise and chaos.

Stay patience when they choose Mummy to put them to bed and a hundred ‘good-nights’ are still not enough. They love you beyond words.

Cherish these moments. Sometimes you may feel like losing it and giving up, but remember they won’t be little forever. They won’t need mummy to hold their hand forever.

Cuddle your children, smother them with kisses and tell them you love them many times a day. Smile each time they glance in your direction.

You know in your heart how much you love them, you are certain. Make it your goal to make them certain of your love. They need never doubt they are the most important thing in your life.

Continue the amazing job you are doing… you are irreplaceable as a mother!

Originally posted 2014-07-03 11:12:04.

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