How To Make Your Own Lounge Covers


In this tutorial below you will learn how to make your own lounge covers:


These require a bit of patience and a lot of material but the finished product is a bespoke cover for your lounges.

You will need:

  • Fabric (I was thrifty and used polar fleece blankets)
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Thread
  • Sewing machine

What to do:

Lay your fabric, right side down, over your lounge, level with the back of the top edge. Pin in place at top.

lounge 1

Trim sides and cut around arms. Leave an overhang at the bottom of the lounge, add an extra 30cm if you have a recliner.

lounge 2

Cut piece to cover the back of the lounge. Pin to top edge of front piece. Cut and pin pieces on the top sides of the lounge, pulling the fabric to the desired firmness. Tack all of these together with a simple tacking stitch.



For the arms start at the front. Drape the fabric over the arm and using folds, gather front edge to sit neatly. Pin along seat edge then finish off by pinning to back, front and top side pieces. Tack together.


Remove from chair and sew all seams.


Place back on chair inside out and pin along bottom edges for hem. If you are covering a recliner you will need extra fabric to create two triangular pieces to join your bottom side piece to the bottom front piece to cover recliner as it rises. To secure the end under the recliner itself you will need to tack along the bottom edge and underneath like this:

lounge 4 lounge 5

Tack all of these edges then sew on the sewing machine. Turn inside out and cover lounge.

Originally posted 2014-07-03 11:23:02.

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