How To Make A Girls Necklace And Skirt Set

This is a relatively simple sewing activity that makes an excellent handmade present for little girls.


You will need:

  • 1m Fabric
  • Elastic
  • 5 wooden beads
  • Sewing machine

What to do:


Cut two 8x1m rectangles from fabric. Pin right sides together and sew along long edges. Turn out the right way.


Feed one bead through to the middle of the rectangle and knot on either side.


Feed the four remaining beads in, two on each side of middle bead, knotting in between as you go.


Trim edges to desired length. For my 2 year old I trimmed each end at 15cm from the last knot and for my 4 year old it was 21cm.IMG_2509

Cut a 7cm piece of elastic and feed through 1cm on each side of rectangle. Sew in place, folding the fabric edges under as you go. (I have seen these done without elastic at the back which meant that they are tied in knots at the back of the neck. I have added the elastic so the children can put it on and off themselves).


You can add an embellishment here if you wish. A small crocheted flower (purchased from Spotlight) with a button on the centre makes a nice detail when placed on one side.




Cut 2 squares from your fabric (For my Miss almost 4 they were 40x40cm and for Miss 2 they were 30x30cm. For a fuller skirt make waist wider eg. 50x40cm) . Pin right sides together and sew along short edges. Overlock or zigzag sew all edges.


Fold down 3cm from top and pin in place. Sew around this edge and leave a small gap to feed through the elastic.


Cut a piece of elastic to the desired size (waist measurement of intended recipient). Attach to a safety pin and feed through. Sew elastic edges together.


 Close gap in elastic casing.

Hem the bottom edge by 5-10mm.


Originally posted 2014-02-10 22:40:20.

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