Letter To A Mum Expecting Baby Number 2



First of all, congratulations. Some of this will feel really familiar and some will be worse.

People will start asking you questions about the size of your family and whether or not you’ll stop after this one. Get ready and try to respond charitably, even though it is none of their business.

You will probably experience some criticism or incredulity at the gap between your kids as well, but try to take it all in your stride.

It was nice when you were expecting baby number one and you could rest when you needed too, it’s a bit harder with older children around to get that time out. But try to have some quiet time in your day, even if it is only sitting and having a cuppa while bubba number 1 is playing by your feet.

Look after yourself, take your pregnancy multivitamins and follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter. Slow down and listen to your body. It’s ok to frump out and veg out if your fatigue is all consuming. We will all understand if your house is less than perfect and realistically, this is something that you need to become more used to as your family grows. Less time will be available for you, in the long run, to clean and tidy your house. If you haven’t already, cut your hair into a low maintenance style.

Start making changes around the house now to help you ease into managing two children. For example: where will you keep your change table when baby number 2 arrives? Will this work if one child is asleep?

Cook a few meals and store in the freezer. Get hubby to take on more chores with your eldest child so they’re able to cope well with just Daddy when you’re in hospital with baby number 2. Also leave your first child with family or friends so they are able to get used to the idea of playing at someone else’s house whilst you’re preoccupied. This is especially important if they’re going to have a sleep over with Granny while you’re in hospital.

Pregnancy symptoms will return in force and you will go into labour knowing a little more about what to expect and you might even have some particular ideas about how you’d better like to manage this childbirth experience. Trust your instincts!

Ask for help and accept it when offered. No one expects you to be super mum, so don’t even try. Enjoy every moment and rest assured that God will never give you more than you can handle!

Originally posted 2015-10-07 03:14:37.

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