Lent Week 6: Empty Tomb Herb Garden


The empty tomb herb garden is really just a variation on the grass head and you can easily make one at home!

You will need:

  • Plastic plate
  • Paddle pop sticks
  • Small terracotta pot
  • Rock
  • Pebbles/bark chips
  • Soil
  • Seeds (whatever herbs you like but we used chives, sage and chamomile)

What to do:

Using the plastic plate as your base place the terracotta pot on the bottom and place soil and pebbles around it to keep it stable.


Add soil on top. (Slightly damp soil is best for moulding into the desired shape).


I used bark chips to create something of a retaining wall around the edges of my plate for added stability.


Plant seeds and water in well.

Make three crosses (one slightly taller) from paddlepop sticks (or reuse your crosses from our earlier Lenten activity which you can find here) and arrange as at Calvary with the tallest cross in the centre.


Water regularly over the remainder of Lent.

We’d love to see how yours turn out! Share them with the YCM community when they’re brimming with fresh herbs!



Originally posted 2015-03-26 10:30:31.

Share your thoughts below!