Lent week 3: Vanquish Vanity


Fasting challenge: This week’s fasting challenge hits right at the heart of the ‘fairer sex’: could you last the week without wearing makeup? For some this will seem brutal, and others possibly not at all. If you’re in the latter category give up another part of your grooming ritual; if you always wear your hair up, wear it out; if you have a favourite perfume or go-to outfit, give it up this week in favour of something simpler.

Gina Loehr gave up wearing makeup for Lent a few years ago and found herself liberated by the experience. Her book ‘Choosing Beauty’ is a great read and a fantastic 30-day journey for learning to appreciate your inner and outer beauty without makeup. Read our review here.


Originally posted 2015-03-05 10:30:14.

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