Lent Week 3: Remembering Refugees

 Remembering Refugees: Psalm 23

Light three candles and offer the Psalm 23 for the intention of refugees, immigrants and all homeless.

Psalm 23

The LORD is my shepherd;

There is nothing I lack.

In green pastures he makes me lie down;

To still waters he leads me;

He restores my soul.

He guides me along the right paths

For the sake of his name.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

Your rod and your staff comfort me.


You set a table before me

In front of my enemies;

You anoint my head with oil;

My cup overflows.

Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me

All the days of my life;

I will dwell in the house of the LORD

For endless days.


Prayer challenge: Pray the Stations of the Cross with your family.




Originally posted 2015-03-01 23:00:46.

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