Lent Week 3: Eating Excess



We live in the ‘lucky country’ and even when times are tough, generally speaking, we have enough to eat. How many of us have a pantry full of food, some of which goes out of date before we think to use it? Jill has written a great article here about sorting out your cluttered pantry. 

Almsgiving challenge: Purchase non-perishable items, and choose some from your cupboard too, and donate them to a charity who feed the homeless or underprivileged. Don’t just give away foods you don’t like, or items you haven’t used but donate that packet of chips in your favourite flavour, and that packet of TimTams that you’ve been saving for a treat.

Give not out of your excess but out of your sustenance because that is what almsgiving is all about.

Originally posted 2015-03-03 10:30:39.

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