Lent Week 2: The Lap Of Luxury



We all have our little slice of luxury in life.

I must admit that mine is that precious 30 minutes of me time of an evening where I can have a soak in the tub and read a good book without interruption. It might only be half an hour but to an avid bookworm and stay home mum of four, this time is absolutely precious to me.

For others it’s the indulgence of café coffee instead of instant, taking time out to listen to our favourite music or indulging in a glass of wine with dinner.

Even when we are facing challenges in life we can find small luxuries, small consolations that help us along our way. Though we might find our lives tough, our budgets tight and challenges around every corner, we live in a very affluent society and are very blessed materially.


Fasting challenge:

This week go without that little slice of luxury and encourage your family members to do the same.




You can view the other posts in this Lenten Calendar by clicking HERE.




Originally posted 2015-02-24 22:54:56.

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