Lent Week 2: Repurposing Clutter



We live in a culture of excess and yet there are many people who go without even the basics. Lent provides us with a great opportunity to take stock of our lives and evaluate whether we’re living in the world or are of the world.

Have you ever purchased clothing just because it’s in right now, without considering whether it’s right for you? Do you have to purchase something every time you go down the street? Or worse still, do you have new clothes still in their original tags and shopping bag that you bought months ago and have forgotten all about?

Sadly, you are not alone. You are suffering from affluenza. No that’s not influenza – commonly known as the flu – but affluenza. Until recently I had never heard of the term but basically this disease-like noun describes our selfish desire to have more than those around us. So no longer are we happy to settle with keeping up with the Joneses – we want to eclipse them altogether.

We buy and buy and buy, in an endless competition driven by our own personal greed as well as very astute marketing and advertising campaigns. We compete with each other to have the best clothes, phone, accessories and books. We have to be the first to see that latest ‘it’ movie, download the number one song, or be on song with the latest celebrity craze be it ‘Twittter’ or diet secrets and hair styles. We have become a society of Lemmings who blindly follow each other, each vying to be the top of the tree. And having the most – and best – material possessions is how we get there, apparently.

The only way to combat affluenza is to take a dose of temperance and prudence twice daily to stave off any feelings of envy or greed. Saying no to yourself can be tough, especially if you have been an enthusiastic shopper in the past.


Almsgiving challenge:

Sort through your house this week (not just your clothes but also your linen cupboard, your garage and your kitchen appliances) and give to charity any items in good condition that you don’t need and are sure some one else would. And no, I don’t mean that shirt with the missing button you can’t find, but that almost new skirt you’ve worn once or never worn at all and that serving platter that’s still in its box in the cupboard that you might need one day…

For more tips on dealing with clutter read Beverley’s series here.



You can view the other posts in this Lenten Calendar by clicking HERE.

Originally posted 2015-02-26 22:51:05.

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