Kids Craft – toilet roll slide – from household items

Create a miniature slide out of empty toilet rolls!

Things you need:
empty toilet rolls
coloured patty pans/paper
sticky tape
egg carton/items out of your recycling bin


1. Cut the toilet rolls longways in half, and staple end to end to create slide, attach other items from your recycling bin collection, using sticky tape, to create an advanced slide.

2. To make balls, to roll down slide. Scrunch up one page out of the newspaper into a ball and wrap it in coloured paper or 2 coloured patty pans to give each ball an individual colour, hold in place using sticky tape.

3. If you want to take the game to the next level, take an egg carton and write on numbers in multiples of ten to create a point system. Place underneath slide and allow ball to roll down and land onto whichever number, highest wins! Have fun!



Originally posted 2013-11-12 09:09:57.

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