“I’m Just Not Cut Out To Homeschool!” – One Mum’s Experience

“I’m Just Not Cut Out To Homeschool!” – One Mum’s Experience

My eldest is five years old. He should have started school this year..1361797_52190285.

He is not going to school because we have decided to educate our children at home. Interestingly, now that it is obvious to people that we are home educating, we are getting a lot of the “Oh that’s great, but I could never do that” kind of comments.

Looking back, I used to say the exact same thing. I loved the idea of my children learning at home, at their own pace, immersed in activities that excite them. Other than the whole ‘socialisation’ conundrum (which we shall leave to discuss another day), feeling like I was not cut out to home educate my children was about the only other thing that held me back.

I am yet to meet a mother, who has thought about the prospect of homeschooling, yet never doubted her abilities to homeschool. When you think about it, isn’t that a healthy place to start? We need to know who we truly are; small, weak, fragile and not in control. It is when we are in this place that He who is big, strong, secure and in control can enter our lives and equip us with all that is necessary to do this important work.

Yes, I am impatient. Yes, I have a tendency to raise my voice loud enough to amuse my neighbours. And yes, I am a chronic maker of schedules, lists and ‘How we should behave’ posters, yet am inconsistent with following through. But my point is, it is not about what I think I am capable of, it is about what I am called to do. This is my vocation. My husband and I prayed about this for a very long time. Who am I to say that I am not cut out to home educate my children, when at this point in our lives, this is what God has asked of us? As Scripture tells us, “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13.

So here is something to think about. If you don’t mind the idea of home education, don’t be quick to write it off. Even if you feel that you do not have the right disposition for it, pray about it. Ask God to show you. You never know. He may just have planned this little way for you.

Originally posted 2014-05-27 04:18:34.

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