How To Get Things Done, Today!


If you are struggling to find time to do everything you need, let alone the things you want, this may work for you. Simply in the morning, perhaps over breakfast, take 5 minutes to write up a schedule for the day. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just has to note down everything you want to accomplish so that you stay on track.

Admittedly I don’t always do this, but I certainly notice the difference when I do, and I am far more productive as a result. Let me give you an example:

How I would start is by writing a ‘to do’ list and then slotting this things into my daily schedule. Now you may not have a set schedule already but when you have a few kids, you would have discovered by now the benefits of a daily routine. If not official you probably have a rough schedule you follow, meal times etc.


Over a year ago I read the book “A Mother’s Rule Of Life” (you can find this and a lot of other great reads on our bookclub reading list). In this book Holly gives you the tools to create a detailed daily schedule.

Personally, I like a little more flexibility, so I have adapted her methods to suit myself. She offered some great tips, most importantly slotting the higher priority items in first, like prayer. (It is usually when you make the time to pray that everything else falls into place. At times we feel that we just can’t fit it in, but by stopping to have a conversation with our Lord, I guarantee, He will multiply your time as you have generously put Him first!)

Most of us will find the majority of our daily tasks will fit into the schedule at the same times everyday, and other times of the day can be open to flexible options, for example; 10am-12noon, could be set aside for a variation of activities such as; grocery shopping, visiting friends, cleaning, or a special craft activity for the kids.

Here is how I do my schedule. It can be easier to start with your list of ‘to dos’.

To do:

  • Dishes
  • Laundry, hang/fold
  • Prayer
  • Clean/Tidy
  • Work on website

Schedule: (I will put my ‘to do’ in italics)

It is up to you whether you add times for everything, you can just make each activity flow on after the next with a set finish time.


Approx 7-8am start
Breastfeed bub
Dress myself do hair etc – dress children
Breakfast (morning prayer), we eat together – do children’s hair at table
Put on load of Laundry/Wash breakfast dishes

‘Flexible time’ (with kids)

Hang Washing

__________________ Afternoon _______________

 Approx Time 12noon

Children’s nap time
Feed Bub

‘Flexible time’ (without kids) – – Work on website, Personal prayer time

Afternoon Tea (3:30pm) – do dishes while kids eat
Feed Bub
Children Play/Do activity/Take off washing & Fold


Make Dinner (5:30pm)
Eat Dinner (6pm)
Dinner clean up/Dishes
Tidy toys/Feed Bub
Kids Bedtime (7:30-8pm)

Free Time

My Bed Time (10.30-11)


This is a pretty standard day for me, when I need do to more “houseworky” type things, I will slot it in either during morning time, or when the kids are sleeping. If I can get the kids to do some dusting/wiping while I clean I will do the cleaning with them. (They cleaned the walls for me the other day, and did a pretty good job at that!)

If I need to clean the showers/bath, I will spray it all down while they are eating their lunch, then after they go down for their nap I will wipe/scrub it down, this way it doesn’t eat too much into the free time without kids part of my day!

I hope this helps you in some way, if you would like to read an article on how to maximise your time during the day click here.


Originally posted 2015-04-15 12:00:18.

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