How To Cook Perfect Prawns


Cooking the perfect prawn is literally as easy as boiling water!Healthy food, peeled prawn and chop sticks

1. The first thing to do is put a pot of water on the stove on a high heat and bring it to a rapid boil.

2. Add about a handful of sea salt.

3. Now add thawed, prawns in small amounts, about 10 medium prawns at a time.

4. Fill sink or large bucket with crushed ice and water. Add at least two handfuls of salt to water to make a brine solution.

5. Allow water in pot to return to the boil; continue cooking for 1 minute (small to medium prawns) or 2 minutes (large prawns). When cooked, the prawns should float to the surface, turn opaque and slightly pink in colour and a small gap appears between the body of the prawn and its shell.

6. Remove prawns from boiling water and place immediately in iced water to prevent overcooking. Repeat process until all prawns are cooked.

7. Serve your prawns just as they are, they will be delicious! You can chill them on ice with lemon wedges, or accompanied by your favourite seafood dipping sauce. Provide a finger bowl and an extra dish for discarded shells.

What to do if you bought a bag of frozen prawns:

Fry thawed prawns in butter, garlic, salt and pepper for 2-3 minutes, delicious!

Originally posted 2013-11-12 09:24:36.

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