Holy Card Club


My children were recently invited to become part of a sticker club which we accepted on the whole because it was a simple formula and required me to invite 6 other children to join and cost me a packet of stickers and six stamps.

But then I thought, what about creating a ‘Holy Card Club’ based on the same formula where children were invited to send and receive holy cards, perhaps of their favourite or patron saints to their friends? What an interesting and simple way to share another part of our faith with children!

So below is the formula for starting your own ‘Holy Card Club’.

What you need:

  • 12 copies of the invitation to join (below)
  • Six envelopes and stamps

What to do:

Print out 12 copies of the invitation and fill in the details on 6 copies. Enclose one completed invitation with one blank invitation in each envelope. Address and send.

NB. Because you are initiating the club you will only need to fill in an address in the #2 spot, leaving the #1 spot blank, so that your children will receive 36 cards and not 6.

The invitation text:


Welcome to the “HOLY CARD CLUB”! Please send one holy card – of your favourite or patron saint – to the person listed in the #1 spot. Next move my name to the #1 spot and put your name in the #2 spot. The send the letter to 6 friends.

If you cannot do this in 6 days let my mummy know because it’s not fair to all the other kids who have participated so far. Within 2 weeks you should receive 36 holy cards! It’s a lot of fun and exciting to see where your holy cards come from and it’s really fun to get mail!

Thanks for participating

Your friend


PS. To the parents, please take the time for this quick project, it’s worth it to see the smile on your child’s face when they open the mail.

To make it easier we have enclosed a blank letter for you to copy. Before you write on it, make 12 copies, one for each of the 6 friends you are sending it to and 6 blanks to make it as easy for them as it was for you! You only need to buy one holy card and 7 stamps.

SPOT 1                                                                                                                  SPOT 2



Originally posted 2014-05-12 22:46:29.

1 thought on “Holy Card Club”

  1. This is genius! My 3 month old received HCs from her god momma and I had no idea what to do with them! I love this idea of sharing and expanding the faith! Thank you so much!

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