The Final Hour: Dealing With Overtired Children



It’s 7pm. It feels like the longest hour of the day. The final hour before bedtime. In our home, 8pm is the target. The kids bed time. This hour – for me – is usually the most challenging and ‘patience-testing’ hour of the day! Depending on what time your children go to bed, that last hour can sometimes be quite demanding with young ones.  It seems to be the time for hyperactivity, increased crankiness, boisterousness and over tiredness all rolled into one!   At this time of the night, the tiniest things can often escalate into big dramas. So for me, this hour is all about patience, patience, patience! Below are some helpful tips from my husband and I on how to ‘survive’ this hour, until the kids are all happily tucked in bed.   Children and their moods: my kids (and I assume many kids) can change their moods at a drop of a hat?  It is important not to mistake their changing emotions for misbehaviour. Being tired can often make everything worse. I try to avoid disciplining to much during this last hour and just try to keep the kids happy and calm.  Distraction usually works well and petty issues can be resolved fairly quickly. They have no concept of time: YOU may know it’s the last hour of the night but your child might not be aware of this. Playing with my 3-year old son last night, I began packing up his toys quickly as it was approaching bedtime. He immediately started shouting at demanding more time with his toys. I realised that there was insufficient warning given to him to get ready for bed. Prepping your child so he is ready for the night routine could avoid unnecessary tantrums or irritability. Simple instructions such as ‘we are going to play with this last toy then we will brush our teeth’ or ‘after Mummy reads you this story it is time to say goodnight’ may be helpful. Support one another: With tired parents and tired kids, it can be easy to get snappy with your husband. An irritation or slightly negative comments directed at your husband may often becoming from your tiredness over anything else. Remain positive and cheerful with one another. Some nights I choose to laugh at the kids instead of getting uptight with them (some nights!). You can also focus on the fact that the kids will be in bed shortly and that special alone time with my husband is just moments away! Spend time with your children: Kids can be quite cluey when they realise that you are not giving them enough attention. If I am preoccupied with something, there is often a shift in their behaviour and they begin certain actions to try and get my attention, even if it means choosing negative ones! You could try to devote that last hour to spending some quality time with your children; read stories to them, play imaginary games or simply just lie on the floor (passed out some nights) near them if you are too tired – they are usually happy enough with that! It’s important to remember, all parents of young children feel tired and frustrated at times. We all get stretched to our limits! It can be a demanding job, and when you are exhausted, everything can look worse! Remember you are not alone and you are doing the MOST important job in the world, it makes sense that it will challenge you at times. Remain encouraging with one another and give yourself a pat on the back, you are doing a great job! Do you have nightly routine or certain activities which work well with their child/ children during that last hour before bed? Please share them in the comment sections below!

Originally posted 2014-03-12 22:13:47.

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