To Make Easy Monster Skittles..
You will need:
- 6 plastic bottles (I bought a pack of plastic milk bottles from the Reject Shop which are perfect for this craft)
- 6 copies of our monster image below
- Coloured pencils/textas
- Scissors and sticky tape
- A soft, plush ball (for inside skittles) or a light rubber ball for outside
- Masking tape or chalk
What to do:
Print and colour 6 monsters. (The kids can help!)
Cut around the top edge and affix each monster to a bottle with sticky tape.
Line up your skittles with 3 in the back row, 2 in the middle and 1 in the front.
Mark a straight line on the ground (use masking tape for inside and chalk for outside) and encourage your children to take turns to knock down all the skittles.
Originally posted 2014-08-12 04:33:05.