Easy Dinosaur Costume

Easy Dinosaur Costume

My son asked for a dinosaur costume a couple of years ago now and I whipped up a quick costume one afternoon using some scraps of fabric I had no use for. It is still, by far, his favourite dress up costume and even his sisters like to put on the hat and tail and have a turn!


You will need:

  • A green cap
  • White fabric
  • Laundry marker
  • Fabric glue
  • Green fabric
  • Stuffing
  • Elastic or ribbon

What to do


  1. Cut two tail shapes from your green fabric. Pin right sides together. Sew bottom edge. Set aside.
  2. Cut a series of triangles about 7cm high and 10cm wide. Pin right sides together and sew among two edges, turn out. Press.
  3. Pin triangles along top edge of tail. The triangles should be in between the two layers of green fabric. You will need to line up their bottom edges with the top edge of the tail. Leave a gap of about 5cm between last triangle and wider edge of tail.
  4. Sew along top edge. Turn out.
  5. Fill tail with stuffing. Pin edge closed, 4cm from edge.
  6. If you are using elastic please skip to next step. If you are using ribbon, pin ribbon to top side of tail, alongside pinned edge. Sew ribbon in place. Finished!
  7. For elastic waist measure your child’s waist. Cut two strips of green fabric to this measurement +5cm, and 5cm wide.
  8. Pin right sides together and sew along all edges leaving a gap of around 5cm on bottom edge through which to feed elastic. Turn right side out.
  9. Cut elastic to desired length and thread into elastic casing. Sew edges of elastic together and close casing.
  10. Pull elastic taut and pin elastic and casing onto tail. Sew in place.


  1. Cut two circles from the white fabric.
  2. Draw two black circles inside them with the laundry marker.
  3. Glue to top of hat.
  4. Cut enough triangles from the white fabric to go around the brim of the hat. Glue in place.

Dress up your son and enjoy the noise of a dinosaur in your house!!

Originally posted 2014-02-06 03:56:23.

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