DIY Dress Ups – Ninja Turtle Masks


Ninja Turtle Masks

I made this up for my nephew who loves the Ninja Turtles but this is a versatile pattern and can be used for a whole cast of characters.



What you’ll need:

  • Template from below
  • Fabric (20cm wide and 1m long)
  • Scissors and pins
  • Needle and thread

What to do:

Print out template and join the sides of the bandana.

tmnt 001

Pin the template on folded material and cut two pieces.


Pin wrong sides together and sew around outside edges leaving a gap at one end to turn it out the right way.



Turn out the right way and pin gap and eye holes then hand sew.



They are a little bit fiddly but they will provide hours of fun!

Originally posted 2014-08-26 05:36:46.

2 thoughts on “DIY Dress Ups – Ninja Turtle Masks”

  1. In the directions you say to pin the wrong sides together…wouldn’t you pin the right sides together then sew around the edges leaving a space to turn it right side out?

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