Determine Your Body Type

Let’s face it we all admire bodies we don’t have. Looking in the mirror we’re over critical of our appearance and chances are the real reason behind our self-criticism has to do with the fact that often we’re not dressing for our body type. Added to this is the extra scrutiny we place on ourselves once we’ve had a child, or two.

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We buy clothes off the rack that we love or because they’re on trend, but it’s often a different story when we put them on. Last week’s ill fitting purchases make their way to the back of the cupboard and next season they’re donated to the St Vincent De Paul Charity Shop when we clean out our wardrobe.

The trouble is that whilst fashion garments are made to fit perfectly proportioned women, few of us fit that bill.

The four body types

There are generally four body types that fashion consultants would classify women into. These body types are: pear, heart, box and hourglass and not only do they distinguish the type of body we have, but which areas of our body we will lose or gain weight.

Despite our size, whether we’re a size 10 or a 22, we each fit into one of these categories. Once we know which body type we are we can buy and wear clothes that flatter our shape which in turn makes us more confident about the way we look.

pearThe pear shaped body type is illustrated by a proportionately bigger bottom in relation to the upper body. Typically a woman with a pear shape has a bigger buttocks, very wide hips and a small bust and narrow shoulders. A woman with a pear body type will gain weight in her hips and bottom and not on her top.


red-heartThe heart shape body type is basically the opposite of the pear. The main characteristic here is that she is proportionately larger on top, with wider shoulders and a large bust. Usually she has small hips and thin legs.  When she puts on weight it will add to her top, not her hips and legs.


boxThe box body type is really characterized by little or no curves. The top, middle and bottom of the box body type are all a similar size which creates a more ‘boyish’ figure. When she puts on weight it is evenly distributed around her body.


hourglassAnd finally, the hourglass body type is characterised by a top and bottom that are relatively similar in size and a waist that is significantly smaller in size. She will gain weight on her top and bottom.


Thus is it important to understand that whilst we may diet or try to change body types by exercise or diet, we are unable to do so. We will be the same body type, regardless of our weight gain or loss and it is only during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause that our body types may change.

Body types and fashion

At different times in our culture fashion has preferred a particular body type. At present fashion favours the hourglass figure. However in the 1920s it was the box and in the 1950s it was the heart. It is important to note that whilst todays fashion may be based on the hourglass proportions, most women actually have pear shaped body types.

So now having discussed the four body types, use the following instructions to discern your body type and continue reading for tips on how to flatter your shape and your femininity.

 My body type

It’s best to do this in the privacy of your bedroom, as it’s best to do this in your underwear or in a black singlet top and black leggings to create a silhouette, in front of a full length mirror.

1. Measure bust, holding tape in both hands loop around your back and meeting again in front so you can see the numbers. Bust measurement:________ inches

2. Measure your waist (halfway between the bottom of your ribcage and the top of your hip bone). Make sure tape remains parallel to the floor. Waist measurement:________ inches

3. Wrap tape around the largest part of your bottom. Make sure tape remains parallel to the floor. Hip measurement:________ inches


  • If your hip measurement is 2 or more inches greater than your bust you’re a  pear.
  • If your bust measurement is 2 or more inches greater than your hip you’re a heart.
  • If your bust and hip measurements are within 2 inches of each other you have either a box or an hourglass figure. Additionally if your hips are 8 inches or more greater than your waist you have an hourglass figure. If they are less than 8 inches greater than your waist you have box body type.



Goal: to create optical illusion of proportion by slimming down your bottom half and moving observer’s eyes up to your face.

Colours: Wear darker colours on the bottom and lighter colours on top.

Patterns: Completely avoid patterns on the bottom as they enlarge. Wear them on top instead. The same can be said for shiny fabrics.



Goal: to slenderise the appearance of your top to create the optical illusion of proportion and moving the observer’s eye up toward your face.

Colours: Wear darker colours on the top and lighter colours on the bottom.

 Patterns: Completely avoid patterns on the top as they enlarge. Wear them on the bottom instead. The same can be said for shiny fabrics.



Goal: to create an optical illusion of a more curved silhouette, with an indentation at the waist. This will help move the focal point back to where it should be, your face.

Colours: Choose monochromatic dressing to streamline your appearance. When wearing two contrasting colours make sure that where they meet is below the waist so as not to draw attention to your waist.

Patterns: Avoid any patterns, including belts, around your waist. Choose styles that place print at either your top or bottom.



Goal: to ensure that your clothing does not over exaggerate your proportion and natural silhouette.

Colours: Choose monochromatic dressing to streamline your appearance. When wearing two contrasting colours make sure that where they meet is below the waist that way you’re not drawing attention to your waist.

Patterns: Avoid too many horizontal lines, especially around your waist. Also avoid very busy patterns, instead choose more flattering patterns that are softer.


Originally posted 2014-01-03 02:49:41.

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