

“Faith In The Family – A Handbook For Parents” – by Anne Burke-Gaffney & Fr Marcus Holden

faith in the family


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How To Enter:
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4. In the comment section below answer this question:

“Name ONE thing you do to teach faith to your children?”


Book Details:

Faith In The Family; A Handbook For Parents
Anne Burke-Gaffney & Fr Marcus Holden
Catholic Truth Society
May 2013
Central Catholic Bookshop – Melbourne

This compact book by Anna Burke-Gaffney and Fr Marcus Holden summarises key aspects of faith in a question and answer format.

Divided into three themes: ‘Creation and Created’, ‘Knowing God’ and ‘Catholic life and times’, the answers provide a few opening words with which you might reply to a child’s question and then further information that explores the topic in more detail. Under each main theme specific topics are covered.  The questions in the section on ‘Creation and Created’ are group into God and Creation, Angels, Saints, Holy Souls, and Mary.  The ‘Knowing God’ section covers Prayer, The Mass, Confession, The Bible, and Catholic Devotions.  The third group ‘Catholic Life and Times’ covers Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, Children’s Literature, Cultivating Virtue, and Evangelisation and Vocation. Read full review>>





  1. I’d love to enter this competition as well, any way us non-conformist non-Facebookers can have a go?

    1. Good point Ellen! Leave out the Facebook like and simply subscribe to the newsletter and blog. But make a note when you comment that you aren’t on Facebook, So we know to include you as a valid entry!

  2. “Name ONE thing you do to teach faith to your children?”

    Pray Hail Mary and Our Father with my almost 2-year-old. And sing amazing Grace. We try to attend mass weekly as a family, but it has been a tough endeavor. So at the moment I have been concentrating on praying with her.

    -wasn’t sure where I was supposed to say this comment. I’m brand new to this page!

  3. Am I even allowed to enter this? I will anyway, because I’d love the book!
    ONE thing I do to teach faith to my children: we make prayer a normality in our lives. We’ve taught our son to pray when wakes, before each meal, and just before he goes to bed. He’s 2 years old now, and prayer has become habitual. He runs into his room after bath time, searching for the cross and Holy Family icon, and places it in front of him so we can all pray together. It’s a beautiful thing to watch, and proof that parents are the first educators of faith.

  4. I like to pray with my baby even though he’s only tiny! I tell him Jesus loves him and we pray the rosary, chaplet of Divine Mercy & sing hymns with him. I want my baby boy growing up loving Christ and all he has done for us. I will be sharing my own love of Christ with him and hopefully he’ll for his own relationship when he is a little older

  5. We go to Mass, have daily prayer and so forth, but one thing I love to do is when the kids ask me about something, it could be anything, I always try and find a way to link it back to God so they can begin to understand that God is in everything, is everywhere and that we must, and can, trust Him – in the good and the bad because He loves us more than we love each other (and that’s a lot!).

    PS: I don’t use Facebook but subscribe as per entry conditions.

    1. I guess I just try to keep our faith as an integral part of our lives, rather than just a habit. We try to encourage an interest and love of God, the Church and the Saints.

  6. Other than regular Mass, daily prayers and reading Biblical books i like to make my children aware of God’s constant presence. When my daughter was frightened at night time when it was dark , I like to remind her to pray to Jesus and ask Him to send His angels to look after her. She finds this very calming.

  7. I think just making it part of life is the best way to go. We go to mass on Sundays (and might make it to more daily masses once the youngest doesn’t need her morning nap anymore) – praying before meals and when something is bother us. I tell my kids that they are gifts from God, we talk about Heaven if the thought of death is bothering them, we talk about how the Earth was made, and about the universe and how God is everywhere.

  8. It’s harder for me as we had to leave a violent father. So for me my children have been taught from birth all about their faith. My boys love our mamma Mary and we always ask her to protect us in our everyday life.

    My main thing I do to show my children our faith is my example in life. No matter what our family goes through we always thank God for everything and for protection.

    (This ontop of our daily masses, adoration prayers and love for the Saints. )

    Would love any books that would help me raising boys with the struggles of single parenthood. 🙂 god bless

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