Clean Your Whole Bathroom Using Just A Grapefruit


4 Easy Steps to Clean Your Shower and Bath with A Grapefruit:

They don’t taste great so thank goodness they have another use!

Here are 4 easy steps to clean with a Grapefruit:

1. Halve Grapefruit: 1 medium grapefruit should clean your entire bath or shower.

2. Sprinkle with Salt: Using 1 grapefruit half at a time, sprinkle liberally with salt. Wet your bathtub and sprinkle the remaining salt around the bottom.

3. Scrub scrub scrub! Scrub your grapefruit around your shower or tub, making sure to slightly “juice” the citrus over each fixture and lifting it every few seconds to pick up fresh salt from around the tub instead of just pushing it around.

4. Rinse: simply rinse away the pulpy bits and the salt and your shower is as good as new. It will smell fantastic too!

Originally posted 2013-10-28 10:56:30.

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