Book Review: The Privilege Of Being A Woman

This is one of those books I believe every woman has to read!

What I love about this book, is that it questions the very foundations of “feminism” and really shines a light on how secular feminists are doing the very opposite of what feminism claims to do, being pro-women. Alice turns their arguments completely on their head. She revisits bible passages that have been misinterpreted for years, and offers new, profoundly beautiful interpretations. I couldn’t help having the feeling that this is the truth, this is what God intended for this scripture. 

Alice starts the book by offering the two points of view on the female sex, secular and Christian. Beginning with the secular, she quotes famous feminist and author of “The Second Sex” Simon De Beauvoir. Famous for her role in the feminist movement, I was shocked to read some of the beliefs De Beauvoir had about women. Quotes that made me sick to my stomach and hated as a woman. Thankfully that section is short, and the Christian point of view not only highlights the beauty of femininity but the privilege of being a woman.

I loved the part when Hildebrand describes the special relationship women have with God, as it is within the body of a woman that God creates the soul of a child. She refers to this as God “touching” a woman, what a beautiful privilege!

This book will leave you feeling truly blessed to be a woman. Yet keeping intact the respect and love you have for the men in your life.

What a contribution Dr Alice Von Hildebrand has made the lives of women!

Originally posted 2015-02-19 12:00:59.

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