Book Review: Personality Plus For Couples

This is a fabulous book which helps husbands and wives to understand why they act the way they do and how they can best respond to each other.

I found this book so helpful for my marriage in understanding why and how my husband thinks and reacts in certain situations.  What I once saw as ‘annoying’ behaviour in my husband, I now just laugh as I understand where he is coming from because of his personality type.

It’s really interesting to learn more about your own personality too. What this book did for me was help me to understand how my personality works ( and doesn’t work well) with my husband’s personality. It offers such practical advice as to how we can work better to strengthen our relationship with one another.

Throughout the pages, you will find practical insight about how to approach each personality differently in a way which celebrates each other’s individuality.

Knowing your spouse, why he did this or that, and how to handle situations and communicate better is certainly beneficial in marriage.

Originally posted 2014-07-07 22:44:54.

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