Book Review: Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth versus Totalitarianism


Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth versus Totalitarianism starts with a miracle. The author, Father Bernard Brien, sharing his eye witness account of a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko.

From there onwards this book really packs a punch.

Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko’s story is one I had not come across before and one that I found so fascinating that I couldn’t put this book down – to the detriment of my housework I must confess. Described as a poor speaker, weak physically and not overly intellectual, one couldn’t help feeling from the get go that Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko was called to something amazing. God does seem to like to work through earthen vessels that are not beacons of intellect or bodily strength.

Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth versus Totalitarianism proved this theory.

Without giving too much away that would result in an unnecessary spoiler alert, Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko was a young priest in Poland, a spiritual son of Cardinal Wyszynski whose name you would be familiar with if you’ve read anything about Saint John Paul II prior to his pontificate.

Though he was, as I mentioned earlier, no specimen of health, vitality or intellect he was described as a good listener and a campaigner for truth. One quote of his that resonated with me upon this book was:

“Truth, too, must cost something. Truth that does not cost anything is a lie.”

And his witness to truth, in a Poland where the Catholic faith was still viewed as suspicious, is even more profound.

Fr Brien’s juxtaposition of his own life, and shared birthday, with Jerzy’s is perhaps a fresh approach, and roots this biography in a contemporary setting that is not so far removed from the reader.

Read this book and then pass it onto your husband. Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko: Truth versus Totalitarianism is a book that will both encourage and shock you. But all the while it will solidify your own support for the truth and a willingness to bear the little costs of truth in our own lives for the greater glory of God.

Five stars! And make sure you have some tissues handy.


Originally posted 2020-01-20 09:30:52.

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