Blessed Are The Bored In Spirit

‘Blessed are the bored in spirit’ by Mark Hart, Servant Books, $34.95

This 3 CD set resonated so deeply, that upon listening to it my husband and I both thought ‘this could be about my faith journey!’ From start to finish ‘Blessed are the bored in spirit’ is a confronting, honest account of what it is like to be a young Catholic today.

Hart describes his own upbringing in a Catholic family, complete with funny anecdotes and experiences, and describes in great detail that period in his own life – often experienced by others at the same or similar stage of their life’s journey – where the Catholic faith was boring and irrelevant, the allure of the secular world undeniable and his gradual re-discovery of his Catholicity.

At times witty, poignant and moving, this audio book, read by the author himself, is perhaps the most uplifting and inspiring story I have heard in a long time. Why? Because, quite frankly, this could really be any one’s story.

How many of us, as young people, teenagers trying to fit in, have ever wondered what the point of going to Church was? Or why the Catholic Church is so adamant that sex is more inside marriage only? Or why we have to go to Mass every Sunday when there’s no one else there that’s our age, the sermons are boring and the music poorly executed?

This book is really for every one.

I listened to this in the car and it took a little while, the CDs run for 3.5hours all up, but honestly, it’s more than worth the time to listen. The only problem I had was being a little distracted when I was driving because I was so caught up in what Hart had to say (after that I made my husband drive so I could concentrate on the audio book).

I enjoyed the witty title, as well as the chapter headings which were just as clever and I really liked the way that Hart pulled more than a few punches. He knows what it’s like to be ‘bored in spirit’ but he also knows what it’s like to be aflame with faith and that’s what he’s trying to impart.

I could not recommend this audio book highly enough. It is a must for all young people and teenagers who feel as though the Catholic Church is not relevant, as well as for those who want to come to a deeper and more profound experience of God in their lives.

This would be a great present for anyone aged 15+.

Originally posted 2014-02-19 22:17:14.

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