Beneath Those Pots and Pans…

  Cooking HobAs I was vigorously scrubbing one of my pots this morning, that quote form Saint Theresa of Avila came floating through my mind. “God is in the pots and pans.”

I started thinking about this and realized that if I don’t find God in those one hundred, unnoticed tasks of each day, I am probably not going to find Him at all. When we are immersed in those everyday tasks, of thinking what to cook for dinner or matching those socks in the laundry, God is there. When we wipe down the kitchen bench after preparing dinner for the last two hours, God is there. When we answer our child patiently with their millions of questions, God is there. God is with us all the time. It is often us, who forget Him.

He is calling us mothers to holiness through those little things of every day. Those moments when we want to be selfish and instead choose to give of ourselves, we do it for God. When we are tired in the evening and would rather zone out but engage cheerfully in a conversation with our husband, we are doing it for God. When we keep the house tidy and no one notices, we do it for God. All we do each day, done out of love for God, gives Him so much glory. We never measure how big or small a job is. Instead we just refer and offer every intention, thought and action to Him in continual thanksgiving of how much we have bountifully received.

Saint Theresa of Avila also had that saying that “the smallest thing done out of love for God is priceless.” So the next time you couch down under that high chair to sweep up those crumbs, remember to do it all for the glory of God, remembering that as a mother, wife and homemaker, our day will very unlikely be filled with extraordinary events. Instead, we have our eyes fixed on heaven and we try to do the everyday, ordinary in an extraordinary way.      

Originally posted 2016-11-07 15:00:58.

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