Backyard Stations of the Cross



We are once again in the midst of Lent, and you may be feeling, like me, a strong desire to attend stations of the cross. Although, some times the demands of family life or husbands work schedules can make this near impossible.

Being a mother is important and so is being available to your family when they need you, so let’s not begrudge the demands of family life! This time is so fleeting and so important. On the contrary, this can be an opportunity. We can receive the fruits of this devotion as a family. At home, in our domestic church. We can witness to our children. We can fan the flame of love and compassion for Jesus in their hearts.

How do we do this? One of the ways is; an at home Stations of the cross! We can do this in the backyard or in and around the home. Making the stations, can be a fun craft activity for all! Let’s jump straight in!

Making the Stations

1. Print and Colour

 You can find the colouring pages by clicking here and scrolling down. (If the 2nd station doesn’t load Click here)

I printed one per page. We then cut off bottom section leaving a white border or ‘frame.’ This got coloured in aswell image.  Alternatively you could cut the picture out and glue onto cardboard (a good option if you don’t have a laminator). We left space at the top to write the name of station, and the roman numeral.

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It may take a few days to colour in the 14 images, take your time, and enjoy the process.
You will be delighted by the meditative conversation that will transpire with your children. They will ask questions and discuss the images they are colouring, this becomes an opportunity to discuss the passion of Jesus, and His everlasting love for us.

You might also like to listen to an audio bible or some nice Christian music or hymns.

2. Cut and Laminate

As you can see in these images. We have cut the bottom, written station name and roman numeral.
We then laminated them inside an A4 lamination sheet.

Cutting the lamination sheet, leaving about an inch at the top to allow space for hole punch.

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 3. Punch Hole and Tie String

We decided to punch holes and tie string (rather than just use blue tack), so that we can hang them easily outside, on trees etc. If you do your stations indoors these can easily be hung on door handles or furniture.

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4. Print your Booklet

I used a booklet I found online, you can print it here.

You can print it double sided or print and glue together. (It hurt my brain at first trying to figure out how to glue it together, but it came together in the end!)

I also glued this hymn inside the front cover, “Were you there”, (print here).

I like this booklet because it kept the same format of what you would use in the church, but the language is simplified and shortened for children.

FullSizeRender-10Because my children aren’t old enough to read, they couldn’t participate in the songs sung in between each station. So instead I played a song from my phone in my pocket. Playing about 10 seconds of it as we walked in between stations and then pausing it while we prayed. It was the exact length for all stations!

Use a song that you know your children will respond to. I used “What more could he give” (see below) from Br Francis (Bread of life episode). They really like this song, and I often hear them singing it. It also happens to be appropriate because it is about Jesus giving up His life for us. 
I could see the little grins on their faces, as they walked, carrying the cross. It was a special moment.

5. Setting up the Stations

You should now have your stations ready, your booklet and your music. If you have an outdoor prayer space/grotto this is a great place to start and finish. We just made one prior to making our stations, with a big wooden cross. We used this cross to process around the yard. Each child took turns leading us carrying the cross (which they loved!)


Take a few minutes to walk around and hang your stations. Before you begin, give your kids a brief description of how things will run – it may feel long for them if they have never done it before, so decide whether you want to include everything in the booklet or not.
We did everything bar sing the song in between, and I recited the “student prayer” line by line for them to repeat.

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You might like to finish by singing the hymn “Were you there” mentioned above and close with a prayer. Enjoy and God bless!


Originally posted 2017-04-02 22:55:07.

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