
In yesteryear, I studied and taught music and was involved in youth ministry. Now I am a wife and a home educating mum, with four kids. In between attending to children, I sing chant and polyphony and make GAPS/WAPF foods. Through it all, I am striving to battle the busyness to come closer to the Lord. For anything of value I write here, to God be the glory.

Spiritual Communion Prayers

  I was recently at a talk by Fr John Corrigan, who spoke about making a spiritual communion daily. He said St Thomas Aquinas even taught that it was almost as good as receiving the Eucharist sacramentally! So if daily mass isn’t do-able, we can still make a spiritual communion daily and gain the immense […]

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Enjoy It While It Lasts

Enjoy It While It Lasts

  Life feels like it has been more hectic than ever lately, since our third baby was born last year. He’s not been a great sleeper, which makes days relentlessly busy and nights don’t always provide enough rest to adequately recharge for the next day. Part of me can’t wait for him to grow out

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