
Mother of 7 children. Sarah is Co-Founder of the website, a published Author, trained Catechist and a dedicated stay-at-home-mum! Her hope for this website is to provide and encouraging and inspiring resource to help Catholic families grow stronger in their faith and closer to God everyday.

Nutella Pudding In A Mug

  Nutella pudding in a mug is my go-to-dessert! It is the most delicious rich chocolatey dessert I’ve ever tasted – and it is also happens to be the QUICKEST! Made in 90 seconds flat in 1100w microwave, you will not be disappointed. Originally posted 2014-01-14 09:10:39.

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Morning Prayer

I adore you, my God and I love you with all my heart. I thank you for having created me, made me a Christian, and kept me this night. I offer you my actions of this day; grant that they all may be according to your holy will and for your greater glory. Keep me

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Non-Toxic Homemade Paint

This is a great easy recipe to make, from household ingredients. The kids will have a whole lot of fun playing with and hopefully painting with it too! You can adjust the consistency using water, thicker for finger painting or and thinner for brush painting or collage. I found this recipe while searching online for

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