All Saints Day – Saint Of The Week


All Saints day 

Feast: 1st November 

This week’s Saint of the week is extremely special because we celebrate All Saints! 

All Saints day is a sacred solemnity celebrating each and every Saint, known and unknown alike. Each Saint is celebrated and recognised. The day significantly commemorates all who have left this world and attained the beatific vision in Heaven. What a glorious sight that must be. 

Many countries up hold the solemnity as a Holy Day of Obligation, such as England and Wales, yet some transfer it to the closest Sunday. 

Originally, back in the fourth century the solemnity was the first Sunday after Pentecost to honor all martyrs and saints. Particularly those not canonized or known with a special Feast of their own.  Pope Gregory IV made 1st November an authorized holiday.

Symbols commonly associated with All Saints’ Day are:

A sheaf of wheat; Rayed Manus Dei (hand of God); The crown; Symbols & images of individual saints.


All Saints,  pray for us.





Originally posted 2014-10-28 02:07:12.

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