Advent Activities: How To Make An Advent Wreath (Day 02)


Once our Advent calendar of activities is sorted out our first activity is to set up our Advent wreath. We made our wreath a few years ago and re use it every year. I usually get at least two years out of the long taper candles and really only replace them as necessary. This is a very quick and simple activity that will keep your kids engaging with Advent for its duration – our kids take turns blowing out the candles each day and they love it!

A simple Advent wreath

Advent wreath
Advent wreath

You will need:

  • large plate,
  • Christmas wreath,
  • 3 purple, 1 pink and 1 white candle (optional)
  • one Holy Family set (with a removable Baby Jesus),
  • purple fabric or a purple placemat/tablecloth.
  • Hot glue gun or strong craft glue.

What to do:

Attach wreath to large plate with glue. Gently heat wax on the bottom of each candle and use this to adhere candles to wreath. If you are using a white candle, this is placed in the centre and is lit on Christmas Day to symbolise Christ’s coming, his birthday and that the time of preparation is complete. Place purple fabric or placemat, or table cloth as preferred, over intended spot for the Advent wreath. Place wreath on top and place Holy Family, without Baby Jesus, next to the Advent wreath.

Optional: you might like to put a small bookstand next to the wreath as well to hold your Advent prayers and reflections.

You might already have some prayers for Advent, if not the following might be useful as you light candles every day throughout Advent as you and your family prepare for Christ’s coming at Christmas.

Prayers for each week of Advent

Week one: O Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, come and dwell with us. Desire of all nations; gift to every generation, come make your home with us.

Week two: O Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, come and save your people. Joy of every heart, strength of those who are poor, come quickly to help us.

Week three: O Jesus Christ, Key of David, come and set your people free. Open the gates of heaven for us; deliver us from evil.

Week four: O Jesus Christ, Holy Wisdom, come and teach us your way; Word of life, Word made flesh, come speak your truth.



Originally posted 2013-12-02 02:47:43.

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