9 Handy Household Tips

  1. Place some lavender or a few drops of eucalyptus oil at the base of your rubbish bin. This will prevent it from smelling each time you open it.
  2. If you find that your drawer are sticking rub a cake of normal bathroom soap along the runners, not only does this keep them moving smoothly it stops insects getting into your drawers.
  3.  To stop drawers from sticking, rub a bar of soap across the runners to make them glide smoothly.
  4.  To clean the bottom of the iron, sprinkle salt on the ironing board and iron back and forth.
  5.  Use scissors and cut through a sheet of folded aluminum foil or coarse sandpaper from time to time to keep them sharp.
  6.  To leave a room smelling fresh after you have vacuumed, place a few drops of your favourite essential oil near the vent where the hot air is released.
  7. Eucalyptus oil can removes the sticky residue left by shop stickers.
  8.  To whiten polycotton sheets, soak in a small amount of methylated spirits and warm water first, and then follow process for cotton sheets.
  9. Stinky toilet?  Leave a bunch of lavender or a bowl of eucalyptus oil on the window sill. Lighting a match can also take the smell away.

Originally posted 2013-11-01 05:23:23.

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