10 Ways To Keep The Romance Alive In Your Marriage


Do you remember the first time you held hands? Or the first time He said “I love you”…

It is possible to keep that romance alive each day with the love of your life! Here are some tips on how:

Date night

I have heard many couples say this, but it is easier said then done. We all have very busy lives, especially with our kids running around. My husband and I consider anything from a walk out in the evening together to a sit down dinner in a fancy restaurant to be a date. If you can’t leave your children, I know of other couples who plan for a special dinner once a week after their kids go to bed. Try to set the table nicely to make the night more special.

Acts of love and affection
Don’t stop with those love notes or text messages! Try to do something loving for your partner once a week which is that bit extra. This could be leaving a love note on the bathroom mirror or buying them their favourite treat (I know my husband just loves chips and ice-cream!) These acts that really do not take a lot of time let you fall in love with each other a little more every day.

Ask thoughtful questions

Time is precious when you become a parent as we all know. Often we can have little time for ourselves. My husband and I were finding that our conversations and attention were constantly revolving around our children. We made an effort to take at least 10 minutes each day to ask one another about our day.

Be spontaneous, its fun!

Having a strict routine for everything can leave no room for spontaneity. Living together means having certain plans and catering for one anothers needs. But just because you have some necessary routines doesn’t mean you can’t be spontaneous and keep that spark alive. Surprise your husband occasionally with a specially cooked meal, a nice bottle of wine or his favourite music playing when he gets home from work (even though your kids might be shouting over the top of it!) 

Show Appreciation

We all love to be treated well and appreciated. Something I have found helpful to our relationship is to notice the not so obvious things each day. Learn to say thanks for the all the work done,, especially the ‘invisible work’ (things that only get noticed when they don’t get done). Tell your husband you’re grateful for him. If your relationship is feeling a little dry – remember how you would love your husband back when you were dating. Remember those little details you loved about each other? 

It’s all about the “love language”

“I love you’. This can be easy to say. Showing our spouse we love them by constantly serving them with acts of love can be the trying part. Some couples show their love by wanting that a hug and they hold hands to be close. We all probably like to be told and shown in different ways at different times. Ask your husband what he appreciates from us the most. What is each of your love language?

We all have that ‘little kid’ inside

Having fun together is essential to keep the glow going in your marriage. In your busy lives, that may take a little planning. Try and shake up the familiar patterns. This might take a little effort to schedule activities which interest you both as a couple. Don’t forget to laugh with one another – share things that are funny!

Your spouse is your best Friend

When your spouse is your best friend, it’s easier to overlook his faults. With some effort and creativity in your marriage you can keep that love and romance alive.

Mothers! Make yourself Attractive

You husband should be falling in love with you more everyday! Freshen yourself up after a long days work with the kids and try to look refreshed and energised when he walks through the door after work. It will work wonders! There are times I choose not to share the ‘joys’ of the kids tantrums when he walks in the door. Instead we just embrace each other with a big hug and kiss and focus on our moments together.

Special joys

Simple things such as giving a free back rub, preparing dinner well, writing an appreciative note, taking on a chore that your partner normally does can build that intimacy in your marriage. Focus on the little things that count each day.

Originally posted 2013-10-30 09:10:16.

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