How Can Families Best Work Together?

family time

There are many different types of families as well as different styles of parenting. The family in which your child grows up will have a big influence on how well your child will cope with situations, relationships and living as well as how they will bring up their own family in the future.

Make time for Talking and Listening

Make time to talk to all family members as often as you can about what each person has done for the day. Listen to what your children say and be sure you understand what they are thinking and feeling behind the words. Avoid threats, interrogation and blame as this can make children feel bad or hopeless.

Value Family Time

Plan time together to talk about things that affect the whole family, including children. This means having meals together if you can, without TV or phone calls. Make good use of the weekends to spend quality time with one another and the children.

Be Affectionate, Caring and Kind

Everyone in the family will feel good when they’re encouraged and appreciated. Let your children know that you love them. You need to be practical by telling them all the things you like and love about them. Show a lot of affection by giving hugs, offering affirmations and considering their opinions.

Accept Different Personalities

Each family member is special in their own way. Try not to pressure your children to be the same as each other or to hide their differences. It is very important that no one should be left out or made to feel the odd one out in a family

Keep up Family Rituals and Traditions

The little things you do each day and on special occasions help to build your family. Daily rituals can include greeting one another properly as they come home and saying goodbye. Think about what you do at mealtimes and bedtime and consider how you could improve these areas to help your children become more independent and respectful to one another.  

Share the Power and the Chores

Let all family members, including your children, have a real say in what happens in the family.  Ensure that you and your husband are on the same page so that your children will not try to play one against the other.  Help your children from an early age to take on chores that they are able to do. Have daily routines in the family as this helps your children to feel secure.

Pray together as a Family

Praying together always unties the family. Remember ‘Families that pray together stay together’.


Raising Children Network

Originally posted 2013-10-31 09:56:47.

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